New Damath Website

New Damath Website

Cydrick Nonog

Mon May 30 2022

Before the official version of the damath game will be release.
We decided to revamp the website, this is to make prepartion for next iteration of the game.

What's new?

So far the changes that we made is just the layout and colors. Instead putting the navigation on top, we decided to put it in the left side. This is to maximize the space of the content.

  • We also make the navigation more friendly and the interface more appealing.
  • For the news, we fix it a lot. Like making the item per row equal height. And adding the author of news.
  • Added 404 page for unexisting pages
  • Added under construction pages
  • For both 404 and construction pages, it includes the latest news and a button to play and go back to homepage


We nearly to the first official version of the game. But before that, we want to make the website to be appealing to the viewer.