
Feature: AI and Mobile Application

Cydrick Nonog

Fri Aug 25 2023

We want to tell you that Damath.PH already released its mobile application for both IOS and Android, and also a feature where you can play with computer.

The Mobile App

For andriod you can get it on

For ios you can download on the

Currently the app only supports this features

  • Create public game - public game is only supported for now where password and hidden game are not yet supported
  • Play with computer
  • Join public game

Play with computer

Damath.PH already supported playing with computer, where a player can now play without other players to play with.

There are 4 computer that you can play with:

  • Juan - is just want to play Damath, so that he can play with his friends. Sometimes he can win but most of the time not.
  • Maria -  is know how to play Damath, she always trying her best to be qualified to join in district competition.But unfortunately she is unable to be qualified, because there are more better players to her.
  • Anna - is a competitor who went for division, where she is able to win against other. But she always lose to one or two players.
  • Pedro - is a really an expert in this game, he went to national competition. He try his best to win against his rivals. Most of the time he will win against his opponents